Why does My Sliding Glass Door Track Fill with Water? Solving the Mystery!

why does my sliding glass door track fill with water

“Why does my sliding glass door track fill with water?” is a common question for homeowners experiencing issues with their sliding doors. This problem, often caused by blocked drainage, inadequate weather stripping, or improper alignment, can lead to water accumulation and potential damage. In case you are searching for some education to maintain your sliding glass door and minimize this issue, this blog post will be your go-to guide as we will be discussing the underlying causes plus workable solutions in detail. With practical tips and step-by-step instructions, this article aims to help you keep your sliding glass doors functioning smoothly and efficiently, safeguarding your home against water-related troubles. So, let’s begin!

Why does My Sliding Glass Door Track Fill with Water?

Your sliding glass door track fills with water primarily due to improper drainage design, weather stripping issues, blocked weep holes and so on. To get a thorough idea about each cause, go through the list below. 

  1. Improper Drainage Design: Sliding glass door tracks often accumulate water because of inadequate or clogged drainage systems within the track design. These tracks are typically equipped with weep holes or drainage paths that can become obstructed, leading to water buildup.
  2. Weather Stripping Issues: Compromised weather stripping around the door can allow water to seep into the track. Over time, weather stripping can degrade or get damaged, reducing its effectiveness in keeping water out.
  3. Inclination and Alignment Problems: If the door track is not properly aligned or inclined slightly away from the interior, it can prevent water from flowing out, causing accumulation in the track.
  4. Blocked Weep Holes: Weep holes in the track are meant to drain water, but they can get blocked by debris, dirt, or even insect nests, leading to water retention.
  5. Sealant Deterioration: The sealant around the door frame and track can deteriorate over time. As a result, water will enter and pool in the track.
  6. Extreme Weather Conditions: Heavy rainfalls or snow can overwhelm the track’s drainage capacity, resulting in water accumulation.

How to Fix a Sliding Glass Door Track that Fills With Water?

To effectively fix a sliding glass door track that fills with water, you should diagnose the causes and do necessary repairs. Here is a complete guide to resolving this problem. 

  1. Unclog and Clean Weep Holes: First, locate the weep holes along the bottom track. These small openings are crucial for drainage. Use a thin wire or needle to gently unclog any debris or dirt. Then, flush the holes with water to ensure they are completely clear.
  2. Inspect and Replace Weather Stripping: Weather stripping is key in preventing water ingress. So, carefully inspect it along the door frame for any tears, gaps, or wear. If the stripping is damaged, you have to remove the old one and install new weather stripping, making sure it’s snug and secure.
  3. Adjust Door Alignment and Incline: The door should be properly aligned and slightly inclined outward. First, check the alignment using a level. If necessary, adjust the rollers at the bottom of the door using a screwdriver to ensure proper inclination for water runoff.
  4. Deep Clean the Track: Accumulated dirt and debris can impede water flow. Therefore, clean the track thoroughly using a brush and a cleaning solution. After that, rinse with water and dry to prevent corrosion or mold growth.
  5. Reapply or Repair Sealant: Examine the sealant around the door frame and track. If it’s cracked or peeling, remove the old sealant with a putty knife and apply a high-quality waterproof sealant. Make sure to check whether the seal is tight enough to prevent water entry.
  6. Install Additional Drainage Solutions: In cases of frequent water accumulation, enhancing the drainage capacity can be beneficial. This might involve installing additional weep holes or a more efficient drainage system. If you lack knowledge in this regard, the best practice would be to hire a professional.
  7. Consult a Professional for Structural Issues: If the aforementioned steps don’t resolve the issue, the problem may be structural. In this case, consulting with a professional is recommended. They can provide an in-depth analysis and solutions, such as adjusting the door frame or addressing landscape drainage issues.
  8. Regular Maintenance Checks: Regularly inspect and maintain the track, weep holes, and weather stripping. This proactive approach can prevent future issues and prolong the life of your sliding glass door.

How to Install Weather Stripping on a Sliding Door Track Correctly

How to Install Weather Stripping on a Sliding Door Track Correctly?

To install weather stripping on a sliding door track correctly, you need to fulfil several tasks, including measuring, cleaning, etc. Check the complete procedure below. 

  1. Measure and Purchase the Correct Weather Stripping: Begin by measuring the area around your sliding door where the weather stripping will be applied. Purchase weather stripping that matches these dimensions and is suitable for sliding doors.
  2. Clean the Area: Before applying the new weather stripping, it is a must to clean the door frame and track thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. A clean surface ensures better adhesion.
  3. Remove Old Weather Stripping: If there is old weather stripping, carefully remove it. You can use a putty knife or a similar tool to gently pry it off without damaging the door frame.
  4. Cut the Weather Stripping to Size: Using the measurements you took, cut the new weather stripping to the correct length next. It’s better to cut slightly longer pieces than too short, as you can always trim them down later.
  5. Test Fit the Weather Stripping: Before removing any backing (if it’s self-adhesive) or applying adhesive, place the weather stripping in position to ensure a proper fit.
  6. Apply the Weather Stripping: If it’s self-adhesive, peel off the backing and carefully press it into place, starting from one end and working your way to the other. If it requires separate adhesive, apply a thin, even layer of adhesive to the door frame, then press the weather stripping into place.
  7. Ensure a Tight Seal: Once the weather stripping is in place, close the door to check for any gaps. The weather stripping should compress slightly when the door is closed, creating a tight seal without making the door difficult to close.
  8. Trim Excess Material: If there are any overhanging pieces, now it’s time to trim them for a neat finish.
  9. Allow the Adhesive to Cure: If you used additional adhesive, let it cure for the recommended time before using the door heavily.

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Video Credits – High Quality Home Maintenance

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